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  • The TI 2024 Meta & All We Know About the New Hero 'Kez'

The TI 2024 Meta & All We Know About the New Hero 'Kez'

Dive into the meta of TI 2024, to learn which heroes you should play this week! A new hero will be released alongside Crownfall Act 4 "after TI".

I attended TI this year, which was an absolutely amazing experience. Production on-site was incredible - especially compared to the stream, which was filled with bugs. The scene was amazing and I got to meet a lot of friendly DotA friends from all over the world. The picture above is from before people really started entering the arena.

Now, let’s break down the meta of TI 2024!

The meta of this year’s TI was a clash between different ideas, as it always is. Chinese and Eastern European teams playing more of a 4 protect 1 style of dota. Notably BB Team with their medusa divine rapier game, Extreme Gaming trying the old Ame Faceless Void, and Cloud9 attempting to make Terrorblade work.

The meta that proved to be most succesful was the Gamin Gladiators and Team Liquid Western European Deathball meta. Gamin Gladiators ran over slower drafts with their Zoo meta consisting of Broodmother, Chen, and other heroes that are able to push highground extremely early. Team Liquid favored less Zoo, but had amazing success with 33 Visage, miCKe windranger and Nature’s Prophet.

Generally the meta that proved to work were strong offlaners, early-game carries, and rotating midders who could siege towers early in the game after winning teamfights or after succesful ganks.

The meta that did not work, were slower drafts that relied on stacking and making a single hero strong.

The most contested heroes of TI 2024 were:

  • Naga Siren

  • Sand King

  • Shadow Demon

  • Windranger

  • Doom

  • Monkey King

  • Puck

  • Enchantress

  • Mirana

Some of these heroes were just outright broken, which is the reason they were contested. Other fitted the deathball meta really well, or countered other heroes that were picked.

Monkey King, Windranger, Puck and Mirana fit the meta really well, while Naga and Sand King are overtuned. Doom and Shadow Demon counter specific heroes really well, and Enchantress is just a comfort pick for many pros that brings push and utility which also fitted the meta really well.

Naga Siren being the top contested hero, and only played 11 times while being banned 104 times is because she is really strong in lane, can stack 4 camps every minute, and brings superior vision and an excellent counter to many of the deathball heroes with her amazing ult that both heals and stops the teamfights.

I hope you enjoyed this small meta breakdown, and now onto the DotA news of this week (spoiler we get a new hero soon!)

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Gameplay Tip of the Week
You can aggro the enemy creeps by issuing an attack command (default a + left click) on the hero portraits at the top of the screen. This is especially useful if you need to aggro the creeps in your lane, but there are no heroes in your immediate vision.

Patch 7.37c

(After watching every single game at TI, I think this one is truly special!)

Did you know?
Daedlus was originally named Buriza-do Kyanon, probably named after a Diablo weapon.

Weekly DotA 1 Facts
  • Esports: After winning TI13, Insania stayed until ALL fans got to meet and greet him. 👑

  • Video: Can I just watch some Dota, man? AHHAHAHAHA

  • Fluff: Old Friends meet at TI. Credit - OG Twitter

  • Video: Welcome to The International.

  • Bug: Puck phase shift bug that killed Quinn was documented on Github in July

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Best wishes,

Son of Aghanim


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