Valve stops organizing TI, or what? 🤔

Arteezy steps down from Shopify Rebellion, an iconic Dota 2 figure has sadly passed, we present the top 5 heroes to play this week, and much more

Gameplay Tip of the Week
Towers do not have full vision during night time but it has full attack range, so if you stand just on the edge of it's range (hold Alt to see it!) you can check if the enemy has a ward nearby. This is especially useful during the night before the bounty runes spawn.

Patch 7.36c

Did you know?
Doom's devour ability was introduced in patch 5.30, but had a fun little interaction where doom could devourer enemy heroes for a total of 8 seconds. This was removed in patch 5.31.

Weekly DotA 1 Facts
  • Discussion | Esports: When we all cry about balance, check the statistics of Riyadh Masters 2024 between LoL and Dota2

  • Fluff | Esports: It’s been a thousand years 🥲

  • Discussion: Crownfall has had the best cavern crawl systems in the game's history.

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That’s it for me, I will see you next week!
If you know of any fun DotA 1 facts, obscure gameplay tips, or have any feedback, feel free to send it to [email protected]!

Best wishes,

Son of Aghanim


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